Monday, October 18, 2010

Although she is clearly with him

Although she is clearly with him, with her foot curled behind his calf under the table to assure him of that, Isabella stares out through the cafĂ© window with unusual interest in the gentleman about to make his way through the nearby entrance.  The air outside is thick with anticipation of the first summer rains and you can smell it in the cool breeze as he opens the door.  Her lunch partner gets up from the table to make his way to the toilet and his hand lingers over her back, just long enough to signal his possession of her, as he makes his way past her.  Correcting the shoulder strap on her dress, letting her hair fall back over her shoulder, you can tell that she enjoys the fact that she is being watched. She takes a languorous sip of her champagne.  Just long enough for you to be sure of her enjoyment of it.  As she puts the glass back down, she glances over to make sure that he is still watching her, re-crossing her legs from under her dress as she straightens it.  She is not so much self-conscious as self-attending – like a cat that grooms itself in the afternoon sun.  By the time Steve is back at the table, she has already finished her glass and poured the next for herself.  He salutes her with his own glass and even though he doesn’t dare look in the newly seated gentleman’s direction, you can tell he is aware of him and the game of musing that is going on between them.  So, he tries to fill her attention with the busyness of excited conversation. 

The waiter comes to ask if they need anything, giving her the excuse to glance over in his direction.  It is only then that she realises that he left without her knowing.  Disappointed, Isabella asks for the ‘bill’.  Steve seems only too happy to be leaving with her, but when the bill arrives he is puzzled.  He passes the slip of paper over to her and she smiles curiously at it.  She calls the waiter over who confirms “Ma’m, the gentleman sitting over there asked to pay for your champagne.  He owns the restaurant down the road and has noticed you there before.  He wanted to thank you for your patronage.”  She looks over at Steve with absolute glee, “That is so sweet!”  Steve gives a strained smile in the direction of the waiter in attempt to feign gratitude.

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